Wise Practices

Best Practices (and tips!) for Creating and Using H5P Tools

    1. Remember that H5P tools are meant to be reused, remixed, and shared. Design with the intention to produce a persistent resource in your subject area.
    2. Give credit! H5P authoring tools are built to ask that you include source material for all images and any other content you’ve borrowed.  The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons offers a comprehensive overview of Creative Commons licensing, though its approach to Fair Use restrictions is written from an American perspective and may not be applicable to your context.
    3. Keep accessibility in mind. Remember to assign alternative text (“alt-text”) when prompted so that screenreaders can optimally read your content.

When you move your H5P tools into Moodle, remember that H5P works best for formative feedback and review; while it does integrate into the Moodle gradebook (in a manner of speaking), most of the interactives you create won’t be optimized for evaluative purposes. They are best when they are helping to make content more engaging and interactive and offering immediate feedback on content acquisition for students.

And a few troubleshooting tips when working in H5P on your own:

    1. H5P prefers a modern browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
    2. Remember that, when working in Pressbooks, your interactive — whether uploaded from another source or created natively — won’t be saved until you click “Create” and edits won’t be saved until you click “Update.”